
Ex-Taco Bell Exec Sues Uber Driver Who Taped Beating

The legal battle between the pair began after Golden got into Caban’s cab on Friday October 30, shortly after 8pm, having called him to a Mexican restaurant in Cosa Mesa, California.


Pilchman also attacked Caban, who filed his own lawsuit against Golden claiming that the incident left him with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Before doing so, Caban said he grabbed a container of pepper spray and put it under his right thigh before flipping a camera on his dashboard to face into the vehicle rather than out at the road.

Days after the assault, the driver filed suit for more than $25,000 in damages for “assault, battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligent infliction of emotional distress”, ABC 7 reported in November. Golden slaps, hits and pulls Caban’s hair.

He is saying the driver illegally recorded the entire incident.

At the time, Golden said he was “too drunk to remember” the incident properly, and his lawyers said he wanted to “sincerely apologize” for his behavior and was ‘extremely remorseful’. Furthermore, Golden argues that he shouldn’t be to blame for the injuries Caban suffered after the attack.

“Mr. Golden accepts full responsibility for his actions and understands the consequences that may occur as a result”, the lawyers said in November.

California is a two-party state with regard to video and audio recordings, meaning that both parties must consent to being recorded before a tape can be made.

Golden was arrested after the incident, and is charged with multiple misdemeanor charges of assault and battery. The video went viral, and in the ensuing coverage Golden also lost his job as a marketing executive at Taco Bell.

Golden’s filing also downplays his incident that led to assault and battery charges against Golden, saying that, “After being dropped off in an unknown location, an incident ensued between Mr. Caban and Mr. Golden”.

“It [the suit] just tells me how disingenuous Golden was on his apology tour”, Morrell told CNBC. “What’s he want to apologize for if everything was the fault of Edward?”


In the video, it appears Caban pulled out a can of pepper spray, reached back and doused Golden as he was being punched.

Benjamin Golden fired Taco Bell exec