
Explorers spot mysterious purple orb on ocean floor

Researchers with the Ocean Exploration Trust are scratching their heads after Exploration Vessel Nautilus unearthed a purple-coloured orb underwater in the Channel Islands off the coast of California.


When they came across the blob, researchers speculated that it could be an egg sack, salp or planktonic tunicate. As per the crew, they have found the orb from the Arguello Canyon near the NOAA Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary during their latest survey in the region between July 3 and 21.

We’re not saying it’s aliens, but a team of scientists has just discovered a glowing purple orb at the bottom of the ocean, and if you’ve ever seen The Abyss, I think you know how this will end. They also feel that the purple blob could also be some sort of an embryo or egg sac.

Another scientist ponders whether it’s some kind of undersea spider egg sac, at which point somebody says, “Let’s leave it then… we don’t want to mess with spider egg sacs”. Main focus would remain on the deep sea habitat and deep coral beds in the area.

The odd little creature, which unfurled into two lobes once it was brought onboard the ship, is about 2 inches (5 centimeters) across.


“None of the known species of California pleurobranch are purple”, said Susan Poulton, a spokeswoman for the E/V Nautilus expeditions. “I’m stumped, I have no idea-I couldn’t even hazard a guess”, according to a recent Smithsonian Mag report. “This could possibly be a new species of nudibranch”, writes Nautilus Live website. They are admired for their extraordinary colours and striking shades appearing in bright shades of pink, orange and blue. If you’re looking for answers as to exactly what the purple orb is, you’ll probably have to wait for some time. They suspect it is likely a nudibranch, a type of soft-bodied mollusk, but it might be an entirely new species of nudibranch, and the researchers believe it will take years to identify it with any certainty.

Mysterious Purple Sea Orb Stymies Scientists