
Explosives in Arizona traced to Nevada bombings

Shrapnel from a Wednesday night bombing that killed one person sits on a street in Panaca, Nev., on Thursday, July 14, 2016.


The investigative trail from the bombing in Panaca led Kingman police to the RV park late Thursday morning.

Sandoval is scheduled to join Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee for a briefing and tour on Friday in the town of about 900 people that’s about 2 ½ hours northeast of Las Vegas.

LAS VEGAS (AP) – The man who traveled to a quiet Nevada town and set off bombs that killed him and showered debris across the community was an Army explosives veteran and suffered from depression after the deaths of his wife and mother, a former neighbor of the suspect said Friday.

One bomb went off in the auto Jones was driving, killing him, and a second device exploded at a nearby home, damaging the residence, but authorities said there were no other serious injuries.

But he says the bombs were powerful devices and that some debris landed up to a mile away.

Lee said investigators believe they know who the bomber was and that he knew the family, although they haven’t released the suspect’s identity or his relationship with the family. “They got about a half a block, and the house blew up”.

The blast destroyed a auto and damaged a nearby house, causing additional damage to other homes in the neighborhoods, residents reported. The house was still standing but left uninhabitable by the twin blasts.

The man killed by the bomb he was carrying in his vehicle was described as a disgruntled former night nurse at the Grover C. Dils Medical Center in the nearby town of Caliente.

“This is a large amount of explosive material”, Cooper said. He also said the husband is a former hospital worker, while his wife now serves as a nurse. Sanders told The Associated Press he did not know how long Jones worked in the military or where he was posted.

As ABC News reported, Lincoln County Sheriff Kerry Lee wouldn’t say anything more about the incident or even name the man who was killed. “This kind of thing, it’ll pull this community together”, Katschke said. “He told me he had a shop and sold military souvenirs”. Those displaced by the evacuation have been directed to a Red Cross shelter that has been established at the Kingman High School on Bank St., in Kingman.

Agents from the FBI and the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were dispatched to Panaca to assist in the investigation, the sheriff’s office said.

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval visited Panaca Friday, meeting with about 200 residents and spending time the Cluff family, said the governor’s chief-of-staff, Mike Willden.


Other neighbors identified the family as headed by Joshua Cluff, a former hospital worker, and his wife, Tiffany Cluff, a nurse, and that they have three daughters, ABC News reported.

Car Bomb Explosion Rocks Nevada Town Near Utah Border