
Extra Patrols On MI Roads For Thanksgiving

Millions of Floridians will travel Florida roads over this Thanksgiving holiday so the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles encourages all drivers to take extra care while driving and buckle up before they hit the road.


The Thanksgiving holiday is one of the busiest travel holidays of the year. “We’re looking at people speeding, impaired driving, careless driving, and distracted driving”. We still got two months and of course the holiday period. During that same period, the CHP made nearly 1,000 DUI arrests. People tend to think that Labor and Memorial Day times are, but it’s not because they see more traffic during this holiday season.

“Americans largely prefer auto travel because it provides more control over expense, trip distance and duration”, AAA MI spokeswoman Susan Hiltz said.

“We look for making sure people are wearing their seatbelts”, Flegel said.

The MEP runs from Wednesday at 6 p.m. through Sunday at 11:59 p.m.


“Our goal is to prevent traffic crashes and fatalities so every family can have a safe holiday – or as we like to say, so everyone can live to eat the leftovers”, said Col. Kriste Kibbey Etue, director of the MSP. Last year, there were eight fatalities on SC roadways during Thanksgiving weekend.

Highway Patrol Drive safely this holiday season