
Facbook busts “six degrees of separation” myth

You can check out a sample Friend’s Day video below and then check your timeline today to edit and share your own custom one. The video has been placed on top of the News Feed and it can be accessed by clicking the Watch Yours button just beneath the clip.


New friendship stickers for Facebook Messenger, with two new sets called Best Friends and Friendship, have also been made available to download from the Messenger sticker store for free.

According to USA Today, Zuckerberg said “we want to finish connecting everyone, we’re going to do it in partnership with governments and different companies all over the world”.

Users can look at the study in detail at Facebook’s research site and see their own degrees of separation.

Facebook’s data science team crunched the numbers on the social network’s friendship graph.

Worldwide popular social networking site Facebook on Thursday turned 12. It’s worth noting that the new holiday is already competing with several more established celebrations, including Friendship Day, International Friendship Day and Día del Amigo.

Now, as the average instances of being connected between people are decreasing, the world is getting closer.

The video shows images of Facebook friends over some jaunty music – or, in this reporter’s case, three pictures of cats and one of an ex.


In January, Mark Zuckerberg asked Facebook users to share their stories of friendship for #Friendsday on February 4. The group is focused on helping women find and make friends, holding events and other similar occasions in its area. To be honest, we’d had an inkling that six number was way too high, but now we have definitive proof.

How To View Or Edit Your Friends Day Video On Facebook