
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg wishes ‘Happy Diwali’ to Indians

He has been a frequent visitor to India in the last two years and is known to harbour friendly ties with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who attended a Townhall in Facebook headquarters during his September visit to the United States. The list includes prominent figures and names such as Mark Zuckerberg, Barack Obama, David Cameron, Justin Trudeau as well as players of Aresnal and Manchester United.


The post has been “liked” by over 2.91 lakh Facebook users and shared more than 6,800 times.

“It’s a moment of celebration for people in India and communities all over the world”, added he.

Diwali fever has reached Menlo Park, with Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg putting out a post on Diwali, saying he misses being in India for this festive occasion.

Even Premier League clubs Arsenal and Manchester City took to twitter to wish their fans a Happy Diwali.

Through a Facebook campaign that encouraged people to donate to a social cause instead of buying Diwali crackers or gadgets, i-Light raised Rs 80,000 ($1,210.86) and had to shut down their campaign due to the overwhelming generosity.


Well, yes Mr Zuckerberg we all also wish you a very happy Diwali to you and your expecting wife.

Mark Zuckerberg