
Facebook gives users more control over News Feed – Social Marketing – BizReport

Thus, Facebook allows social networkers to place their favorite pages on top of the News Feed page, being able to quickly see their recent posts.


To get to News Feed Preferences, tap More in the bottom right hand corner of your mobile app. News Feed Preferences are located under Settings.

Unlike Twitter which has traditionally published posts chronologically in an endless stream based on when your “friends” tweet, Facebook uses algorithms to determine what content appears where, and when, in your News Feed.

The new ways to control the News Feed will be available from 9 July on iOS and will be rolling out on Android and desktop over the coming weeks.

Soon after logging in, you will receive all the latest updates your prioritise friends did since your last log-out.

Facebook’s News Feed algorithm is shrouded in secrecy, but this should go some way towards making sure you see posts from people who matter most. Once the user has scrolled through these, the rest of the News Feed shows up as it always has.

Until now, Facebook has been using algorithms and rank the stories by believing how interesting they might be to you. For years business have been buying likes in an attempt to reach people over the news feed however the method has become jaded and less effective, prompting Facebook to develop new tools for business to reach customers and ensure the platform is a priority with them. Underneath the regular News Feed is shown. A star mark at the top right indicates you’ve made those post appear first.

The company also announced updates that will make it easier to unfollow someone, as well as easier to find groups or pages you might like to follow in the future. The See First Option should help you with what you need.


Back in November 2014, Facebook had rolled out the feature that allowed users to hide particular posts-the direct result was that you would see lesser updates from that friend or page. “You can also see who you’ve unfollowed in the past and choose to re-follow them at any time”, according to the post.

Facebook News Feed: Finally lets you choose which friends' posts to see first.