
Facebook Is Testing Mid-Roll Video Ads in Facebook Live

Instead, Facebook Live is introducing mid-roll videos that won’t appear before five minutes into the streamed content and will each last only 15 seconds or less.


Websites generate high revenue from video ads, but the social network site is missing out on video ad revenue from the Live product.

Forty percent of respondents believe Facebook should set the standard for the future of the video industry, indicating the Facebook in-stream auto-play topic is ripe for debate. Founded in 1922 by DeWitt Wallace as The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc., one of the first user-generated content publishers, Trusted Media Brands, headquartered in New York City.

One features would allow Facebook to serve different ads to different viewers watching the same live broadcast. Ads are now being pulled from existing Facebook campaigns, but advertisers are allowed to opt out if they fear the promotions might be placed amongst potentially sensitive videos, the publication reported.

Facebook pays publishers such as Buzzfeed and WSJ to make live streams on the service.

Lori Todd, social media editor at NPR, told the organisation ramped up its Facebook Live effort in April, and by 1 May, it had put together a team of about seven to nine people, who create the bulk of NPR’s live broadcasts in DC and NYC.

“I am the coordinator of our Facebook Live efforts, so if a reporter wants to go live, we encourage them to go through me”.

If you’re looking for a Facebook Live show, check out PCMag’s Random Access, which airs every week day at 10 a.m. ET.

Facebook is now experimenting with allowing publishers to insert short ad breaks into their Live broadcasts, the company confirmed to AdAge on Monday.

Many people find ads interruptive, but Facebook has not confirmed if video ads will be rolled out during Live streams. The test will provide an insight into the efficacy of the mid-roll ads that Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) adopted versus the pre-roll ads that Google’s YouTube uses.

This is because while uploading to Facebook might be a more efficient way for some fans to watch their videos, there is no money to be had, at least until recently where according to a report from Bloomberg, Facebook and Twitter are apparently trying to court famous YouTubers to share videos on their social media platforms by enticing them with ad revenue.

So what control should video producers have?


“We try to be a bit more vague on the timing, but going forward we are looking at how to promote a video more once we are live”.

Almost a year of Facebook Live during conventions