
Facebook Messenger: Hidden Messages and Business Chat Suggestions

All you have to do now is to click on See Filtered Requests, and that’s it – all the messages you’ve been sent on Facebook but didn’t receive.


You know how sometimes important emails end up in your spam or junk mail box?

Facebook is an extremely helpful tool for connecting with people from your past, whose phone numbers you might not have.

When you think of Facebook Messenger, you think of it as a way to communicate with friends, family, coworkers or other acquaintances. That’s likely a good thing for most users.Facebook’s hidden inbox is accessible from either the web or via the Facebook Messenger app and is part of the filtering system designed prevent spam and other unwanted messages making their way into your regular inbox.

For example, if you liked Bon Jovi on Facebook, the page sent you messages with all of his concert dates, but the social platform filtered them. So how can you access this special inbox?

Step #2 Tap on people. You never actually know what kind of messages you are going to find in there, but you can just know how many people are interested in talking to you and if you know them. Underneath everything, you’ll find “See filtered requests”; tap it to see a second set of messages that the Facebook algorithm considers to be spam.

In order to check your secret Facebook messages, you can go to your Facebook account and click on the message icon.

Now, that procedure has been swapped instead for the normal messages and a different folder/option called “Message Requests” – a place where strangers can ask to contact users.


Keep in mind that once you reply to a message you found in your Filtered Messages folder, that conversation will then appear in your Recent Messages folder.

'facebook messenger