
Facebook Notes gets custom styles, challenges Medium

However, you might also say the new Notes look a lot like Kinja since they both feature photos and text. This will ensure that there are more takers for the new notes feature than Facebook experienced previously.


Facebook has increasingly looked towards getting its users to create native content, or what it calls “instant articles”.

Since the last time Notes was updated, Facebook has worked to make itself a better destination for public sharing. With the upgrade, the new Notes deviates from its old “extended status update” format.

Facebook has made it easier for users to share to Notes on the social network with an update to the long-forgotten feature. The social network hasn’t given Notes the same attention it has some of its other features, and many people ignore it altogether.

Despite all this, Facebook Notes failed miserably, not only at becoming popular with users, but even worse, failed at looking like a blog.

There is no doubt that Notes from Facebook has been given a major tweak by the company. The last time it was updated was in 2010. The new update you can add a cover photo that represents what your note is all about. But users can highlight the text that they want to format to automatically have new options pop up, while the option to include a Title and a cover photo are refreshing and useful options.


Notes writers will also be able to make text bold and italicized by using keyboard shortcuts, but there are no built in buttons to perform these functions yet. Note creation is, right now, limited to just the Web version only, but you can be sure that mobile versions should be up to date in due process. Whenever you stumbled into someone’s Notes section, didn’t you think that someone’s blog entries were regular Facebook posts?

Facebook Notes