
Facebook notes update a success

Fortune notes that the foremost version of the neglected Facebook feature was mainly useful for writing a “long-form post about a memory, experience or opinion, among other things and it appeared in a special section on their profiles”.


Notes are now an even better way to write a longer post and share with anyone – whether it’s a small group of friends or everyone on Facebook.

Starting today, Facebook is rolling out an update to make notes on Facebook more attractive and customizable. Bland uniform text could not quite do that, but users can now create headers or insert text in bullets or quote format, allowing them a complete new way of communicating with their friends. It remains unsure whether Facebook will include its Notes update for mobile users in the future or not. However, the update transforms Notes into a tiny CMS within the Facebook ecosystem. Photos will be resized as well with the help of this feature. This will ensure that there are more takers for the new notes feature than Facebook experienced previously.

In August, Facebook did an experimental facelift of Notes with the aim to give the feature a sense of importance and permanence.

The user will be able to caption the cover photo as well in the updated version. It seems that the experiment was a success.

On a sidenote, just a day before the Facebook Notes overhaul, Facebook also rebranded the free app offered by the platform as “Free Basics”.

The post was made by Isaac Salier-Hellendag, a Facebook User Interface Engineer, on September 25, Friday. It’s probably been a while, but the company now wants to change that.


It should also be noted that the Notes feature within Facebook is only available for the web version of the platform, and it has yet been unconfirmed if smartphone users will get the same option.

Facebook Notes turned into blogging platform