
Facebook ‘On This Day’ now lets you block out those bad memories

The social network has listened to the feedback and is rolling out new filters on Tuesday, allowing users to block content from certain dates or friends.


Facebook’s “On This Day” feature was created to provide a nostalgic tug at the heartstrings by providing a glimpse into your social networking past. This is something Facebook Inc (NASDAQ:FB) wants to give users full control of with the introduction of new filters on “On This Day” tool.

Hopefully you can now rest a bit easier knowing that those terrible memories you’d rather not see on your Facebook page won’t pop up and trigger you.

Seeing the amount of views your posts get on Facebook is not a new feature, it’s a bug. However, it triggered negative reactions for resurfacing bad memories that a few users never wanted to be reminded of.

If On This Day’s habit of dredging up bad memories disturbs you, you’ll be glad to know that you’ll soon be able to modify these memories. “After it launched, we heard feedback that people wanted more control over the memories they see”.

Facebook has tools/features that let you relive past moments, but not all moments are something you want to see crop up in your newsfeed.

“Use these filters to help make sure we show you memories from On This Day in a way that’s meaningful for you”, the new filter reads. It’s a shame that it’s now a blanket removal of a person, happy memories often came before the sad ones, but it’s far better than being confronted with something upsetting when you open up your Facebook feed. To set what the feature will post, log on to Facebook, navigate to On This Day, and then click the Preferences box on the top right.

Facebook’s “On This Day” app derived inspiration from the success of the smartphone application Timehop.


It’s also amusing to see big companies doing a “whoopsie!” and I doubt this will impact anything by the end of the day.
