
Facebook to Stop Sharing Your ‘Likes’ With Advertisers

Included in the new formula are clicks to visit another website, clicks to install an app, clicks to the Facebook canvas apps, clicks to view a video – including those from another site such as YouTube, and call to action clicks that bring users to another website.


Among other efforts, the social giant recently began inviting SMBs to use its Place Tips service, which pops place-based information right into users’ News Feed.

However, one immediate consideration is that advertisers will not be able to compare new campaigns with historical performance.

Advertisers should be able to avoid any measurement headaches that may be induced by the change. “This positive signal helps ads perform better at auction, and advertisers can still bid for engagement clicks (including comments, likes and shares) by choosing other optimization options if they wish”.

The move caters to advertisers who are already looking to pinch pennies when they don’t get what they think they’re paying for, like actual people actually seeing their ads or clicking on an ad’s actual link.

At first glance it would seem that Facebook’s click-charging change would discount how much advertisers have to pay for these click-based campaigns.

“As a result of this change, some campaign reporting metrics related to clicks may look different”, the company notes.


The new definition will help advertisers, says David Zelniker, product manager for digital marketing vendor Kenshoo Ltd. This comes as part of its latest Ads API release. Last year, COO Sheryl Sandberg said Facebook had more than 30 million active small business pages – all of whom are potential ad partners. Facebook will share further info accordingly. That ad impression may not be worth anything to the click-oriented advertiser, but Facebook could have found a brand advertiser willing to shell out for the attention. Along with the logo change, Facebook changed the order of its anonymous user icons, placing the female icon in front of the male icon.

Facebook will stop charging marketers for 'social clicks' | Marketing Dive