
Fact check: Donald Trump’s claim of opposing the Iraq War

The presidential nominee who has often praised Russian President Vladimir Putin, criticized USA policy in Iraq during an interview broadcast on a Kremlin-funded television network.


Notably, Trump’s current support among voters of various races does not differ much from 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, who earned just 6% of the black vote and 27% of the Hispanic vote that year.

Trump’s interview surfaced as he and Clinton continue to clash over foreign policy in the run up to the November 8 presidential election.

During a televised forum on Wednesday on national security, Mr Trump complimented Mr Putin for having “great control over his country”. I mean, you can say, oh, isn’t that a awful thing?

Trump also appeared on RT, an English-language Russian propaganda outlet, to tell Larry King that he thought it was “unlikely” that the Russians would try to influence the US election.

RT America for its part ran an article on Friday noting that the media networks that complained about Trump’s interview with King are owned by corporate conglomerates and Trump foes.

“I hope that if they are doing something, I hope that somebody’s going to be able to find out, so they can end it, because that would not be appropriate at all”.

Lauer allowed Trump’s false claim that he opposed the US invasion of Iraq to go unchallenged, while lingering on the issue of Clinton’s handling of email during the Democratic nominee’s tenure as secretary of State.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump gives a thumbs up during a church service at Great Faith Ministries. “Donald Trump is always the first person to say, when we say enormous crowds turn out for rallies. he’s always the first one to say, ‘This is a movement”.

As secretary of state, Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton tried to improve relations with the country, touting a “reset” – complete with a reset button for a photo-op – in 2009 with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

“Let’s not forget, Russian Federation went into Crimea on President (Barack) Obama’s watch”.

Late Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry announced that the US and Russian Federation reached a breakthrough agreement for a cease-fire in the five-year-long war in Syria that has killed as many as half a million people.

King said Trump’s camp apologized to his producers after the interview for the abrupt ending.

“I have absolutely no opinion on that”, he said, and later added that a Russian-led hack to sway the 2016 election “would not be appropriate at all”.

It was, indeed, a hard event to pull off. NBC and the veterans group IAVA negotiated numerous particulars with the Clinton and Trump campaigns.

“Hillary Clinton’s North Korean policy is just one more calamitous diplomatic failure from a failed Secretary of State”, Trump spokesman Jason Miller said in a statement.

The interview was striking given that Trump spent Thursday on the defensive over some of his laudatory comments about Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Trump also addressed the pulling out of USA troops from Iraq in 2013. “Putin is annihilated. And they have never edited it”. In a November debate, the GOP candidate boasted that he “got to know him very well because we were both on 60 Minutes”.

Hillary Clinton to rally at JCSU Thursday