
Fact check: Here’s what Trump got wrong on Ukraine

On Twitter, people took it as further evidence that Mr Trump is not suited to be Commander-in-Chief. Between now and Election Day, we will strive to go beyond the headlines to explain what’s happening and why. The question now is whether Democrats will allow him to make the election a mudslinging contest or offer the country a real debate about our future.


During an interview on Fox News’s The O’Reilly Factor, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed that he knows more about foreign policy than President Obama.

TRUMP: Okay, well, he’s there in a certain way, but I’m not there yet. This is both preposterous and risky.

Donald Trump speaks at the CPAC Conference in 2014 where he praised Putin’s skills during the invasion of Crimea. “Already in Crimea!” he tweeted.

And a new CNN/ORC poll finds that most Americans see the Russian leader differently, with almost 6-in-10 viewing the country as unfriendly, and about half saying they think the Russian government is attempting to influence the outcome of the United States presidential election.

Trump said he hoped Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails had fallen into the hands of Russian hackers, referring to the widely held suspicion that Russia is responsible for hacking the Democratic Party’s servers. “And you have to look at that, also”. He’s not gonna go into Ukraine, all right?

Case in point are his comments on Ukraine and Russian Federation to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos this weekend. In her acceptance speech, Clinton reaffirmed a commitment to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, saying she was “proud to stand by our allies in North Atlantic Treaty Organisation against any threat they face, including from Russian Federation”. “Because I think my side was rigged – if I didn’t win by massive landslides”.

“She mentioned Russian Federation only once, but it was enough to see that the era of the reset is over”, Channel One said in its report.

I’m talking about the apparent lack of knowledge that Trump exhibits on anything Russia-related, like, for instance, the fact that Moscow has been supporting separatist forces in Eastern Ukraine for over two years.

“It is somewhat stupefying”, said Hannah Thoburn, a Ukraine and Russian Federation expert at the Hudson Institute, a think tank. That’s what I said!’ the policy-maker added. “I remember years ago, he said something, many years ago, he said something very nice about me”.

“They softened it, I heard, but I was not involved”, Trump said. The Obama administration sees Crimea and Eastern Ukraine as sovereign parts of Ukraine, and accuses Putin of violating global law. I mean he was saying very good things about me, but I don’t have a relationship with him.

In Donald’s endless game of “I know Putin; I don’t know Putin”, here is another example of Donald saying he has spoken to Putin and had a friendly conversation with him – which he then immediately follows by the outrageous contention that Russian Federation is “outsmarting” the United States militarily, diplomatically, and strategically.


Echoing the official line from Clinton, Mook quickly spun the conversation towards the “missing emails” comments by Donald Trump, saying: “Espionage is never a laughing matter”.

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