
Fact check: Trump, Carson on 9/11 ‘celebrations’

“We’re living in hard times, we need serious leadership to be able to solve the problems that we have domestically and lead America around the world so that we can create peace and security for ourselves”, Bush concluded. I know it might be not politically correct for you to talk about it, but there were people cheering as that building came down – as those buildings came down, and that tells you something.


Trump appeared to imitate his disability as he put on a slurred voice and mimicked the reporter: “Argh I don’t know what I said, argh I don’t remember”. “Serving God in Islam requires me to reach out to people who differ from me”, she said. “Because I can feel it. My father always used to say… everything you touch just turns to gold, and he’s got a great sense of location and business and things”.

In addition, Donald Trump claimed that he saw television reports showing Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the 9/11 attacks.

Republican experts are warning that Mr Trump could do lasting damage to the Republican Party, and that his nomination in the party primaries would essentially hand the presidency to Democratic front runner Hillary Clinton.

Birmingham Police Lt. Sean Edwards, the department’s public information officer, told CNN that Southall is known to local law enforcement and “is always the agitator”.

Ben Carson continued to walk back his assertion on Monday night that, like Donald Trump, he also saw video footage of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9/11, blaming the media in the process for having “an agenda”.

“I thought we were just talking about the fact that Muslims were inappropriately celebrating”, he said. “People are going to look at who has the skills, the talent, the heart and the spine”.

Trump then doubled-down on the claim during a Sunday appearance on ABC’s This Week in an interview with George Stephanopoulos.

Asked by Fox News about the mistake, Trump said, “I didn’t tweet, I retweeted somebody that was supposedly an expert…am I gonna check every statistic?” The media lies, we all know that, so why wouldn’t they lie about this, too? “But I am hopeful about the Republican Party… one person at a time, you change hearts and minds”.

Reporter 1: Yes. Can you expand on that? “I really think that would be a stretch”, Carson said.


Donald Trump is not amusing (at least not intentionally so), but boy does he make Stephen Colbert’s job easy.

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