
Fallout 4 Contraption Workshop DLC – All the New Workshop Items and Details

If players didn’t buy the $50 Season Pass, they could still get theFallout 4 Contraptions DLC for a cheap $5. There are plenty of new items added in the DLC such as Conveyor belts, Scaffolding Kits, logic gates, Elevators, Fireworks, Armor and Weapon Racks.


Fallout 4 players will be able to tinker around with the Contraptions Workshop starting as early as 12am ET in North America. That said, it’ll also have fixes for Contraptions Workshop problems.

Should Fallout 4 fans believe that Father and IAGO didn’t truly tap into their darker sides with the torturing of innocent companions and NPCs, players will soon have the chance to go full villain with the release of the game’s Nuka World expansion. The Wasteland Workshop also includes a suite of new design options for your settlements like nixie tube lighting, letter kits, taxidermy and more! As it happens, would-be Wastelanders will be allowed to embrace the role of the bad guy, as the DLC allows fans to become an evil Raider in an old amusement park.

Installation issues aren’t the only Contraptions Workshop problems plaguing Xbox One, PS4 and Windows PC gamers.

Contraptions marks the arrival of several new features, allowing you to further modify the way in which your Fallout 4 experience looks and feels.


Both of the upcoming pieces of DLC will be free to Season Pass owners, and Bethesda will be holding closed betas closer to release.

Fallout 4 DLC Contraptions is out now on Xbox One PS4 and PC