
Fallout 4 Second Only to Dota 2 in Concurrent Steam Users

It hasn’t even been available to play for 24 hours yet, and already Fallout 4 is breaking records.


On the other hand, Fallout 4 launched across all platforms at the same time, so those who wanted to play the PC version require Steam to authenticate and play the game.

Original report:Fallout 4 launched overnight and as expected proved to be hugely popular on Steam, setting a new concurrent user record for a non-Valve title.

To put that into a little perspective, Call of Duty: Black Ops III, has been out since November 6, is now sitting at 3.9 million total hours played. Of course, these figures beat out Grand Theft Auto 5’s own record back on its PC port’s release date in April that brought considerably less players to Steam with roughly 196,700 fans. It sits behind the usual number 1 and number 2 spots of Dota 2 and Counter Strike: Global Offensive, and it is chilling pretty comfortably at 290,461 users as of writing. However we guess to be fair, GTA 5 was launched on consoles first before eventually making its way onto the PC, so there is a good chance a few of the excitement surrounding the game kind of died away.


The wait for Fallout 4 is finally over, and it’s clear that PC players are real happy about it. Fallout 4 now has 217,886 users online at this time.

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