
Famous women rally female support for Hillary Clinton

Bill Clinton has transformed from grandfatherly statesman to attack dog in a matter of days, aggressively going after Bernie Sanders on the campaign trail as the Vermont senator poses a rising threat to Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton’s bid.


Monday in Windham, New Hampshire, when he heard that she was deciding between Clinton, Sanders, and himself, Kasich replied, “Well isn’t that interesting”.

Michael Briggs, a spokesman for Sanders’ campaign, called Bill Clinton’s comments “disappointing”, in a statement, CNN reported.

Clinton said she was making a “personal commitment” to help Flint in a message delivered not only to the congregants at a local Baptist church but also a more heavily-minority electorate in Southern contests that could help her build a foundation for a delegate-by-delegate drive toward the nomination.

Part of that strategy means cutting into the double-digit advantage that Sanders has enjoyed in New Hampshire for several months.

“I can, in my mind, think I’m pro-Hillary all the way, and then Bernie Sanders” ideas that he exposes me to really cause me to think in ways I hadn’t thought before”, she admitted.

The former president also hit out at the Sanders campaign for “looting information from our computers” – likening the episode to stealing a vehicle with the keys in the ignition – and sent a message to young voters, who polls have suggested now favor Sanders over Hillary Clinton by as much as two to one. Bill Clinton, of all people, joined the fray on Sunday, accusing the Bernie Bros of “vicious trolling and attacks that are literally too profane-not to mention sexist-to repeat”. “We’ll do everything that we can and I think we’ve tried”, said Sanders in response to the accusations his campaign is engaged in what Clinton has called “artful smears”. “That anybody who is supporting me that is doing the sexist things, we don’t want them”.

The Ohio Republican replied, “Well, I’ll tell you, the grounds on which I might favor one of them”. Even though she likes Clinton and voted for her in the 2008 primary, she said there’s just something special about the 74-year-old Sanders that even reminds her of a young John F. Kennedy. This weekend, former President Bill Clinton wooed voters in Las Vegas, campaign surrogates knocked doors in San Antonio, and Clinton’s aides announced an upcoming meeting with civil rights leaders in New York City.

“We work incredibly long hours, 58 percent of all new income goes to the top 1%”, said Sanders during a rally. Clinton has struggled to match Sanders’s authenticity and popularity with young voters.


Clinton told ABC’s This Week the contents of her three paid speeches for the Wall Street investment firm will remain hidden until all her opponents share their private speeches.

Facing NH loss, Clinton looks ahead to counter Sanders