
Fans and William Shatner pay tribute to Leonard Nimoy with selfie mosaic

His co-star William Shatner (Captain Kirk) announced this month that he will be writing a book about Nimoy’s life, but he is also paying tribute to his long-time friend in other ways.


According to Mashable, Shatner posted the request for selfies at the beginning of August via Twitter, asking Trekkies to send in shots giving the “live long and prosper” Vulcan salute.

On Sunday morning, Shatner revealed the final product of this experiment: a mosaic of the late Leonard Nimoy as his most famous character, Mr. Spock, made up entirely of selfies.

The incredible picture is made up of thousands of fans giving the Vulcan “live long and prosper” salute in a moving homage to Nimoy who passed away aged 83 in February of this year.

Shatner said he got about 6,000 replies over the span of four days, reported Mashable.

William Shatner, whose “rivalry” with Supernatural star Misha Collins has been an ongoing joke on social media, created the tribute to Leonard Nimoy as part of Collins’ G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S project. Random Acts has broken world records for most global hugs.


“And I put it into Guinness to see if it makes a world record!”

Live long and prosper William Shatner's Twitter tribute to Leonard Nimoy