
Farron rejects Cable’s call to form centre-left party

UK Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is set to announce his plan for the full renationalization of the railways as his first major policy, reports say. “We go back”, she said.


“On defence and foreign policy, Palestine and the bomb I agree with them and they are very green”.

Asked if he thinks civil war is inevitable, he says: “I think it is inevitable”.

“Tim Farron doesn’t seem to stand for anything – making him in this sense even worse than Nick Clegg”.

“He has chosen to lead on this issue”, Mr Rennie said.

Tom Watson flatly dismissed the prospect of “serious” politicians defecting to the Liberal Democrats – joking that it would be like “leaving the Beatles to join a Bananarama tribute band”.

“Less than one in four eligible voters in Britain voted for the Conservative Party”, he said.

He said: “I am delighted that the Liberal Democrat conference voted to increase our refugee intake to 10,000 a year”.

Former MP Tessa Munt said the motion gave the Lib Dems a “completely clear position” on nuclear weapons.

I would like to stress that these are my views and not necessarily those of the CLP.

The Independent said the general who spoke on the condition he would not be named served in Northern Ireland during the conflictive era known as The Troubles, which was the common name given to the mostly ethno-nationalist conflict in Northern Ireland that left over 3,500 people dead.

“The long conversation with Jeremy Corbyn on Sunday September 13 was very amicable, during which I had requested a meeting with him about anti-Semitism and he agreed to do that”.

Leader of the council Lord True paid tribute to Coun Churchill, describing her as “delightful person” and “one of the most genuine councillors on the council”.

The Lib Dem conference in Bournemouth will see a return to the political frontline by former deputy prime minister Mr Clegg, who quit following the electoral mauling in May which saw the party reduced to a rump of just eight MPs.

He added the council will have to look at the make-up of its various committees and work out how it will move forward. That’s a shocking indictment of how much damage Tony Blair’s “new” Labour has done.

These include freezing business rates for small companies, as well as better enforcement of corporation taxes when it comes to big companies, some of whom are notorious for avoiding them. Then the only evidence of Labour MPs wishing to leave appears to be more of defectors going to the Tories.

The Conservatives included the plan, which echoes Margaret Thatcher’s sale of local-government housing in the 1980s, in their manifesto for the May election, so parliamentary convention means the Lords can’t veto it.


“The Tories are absolutely ruthless, as we know to our cost”.

Leader of the Liberal Democrats Tim Farron delivers his keynote speech