
Fatal collision between semi and vehicle shuts down I-90

Around 8 a.m., a tanker truck and auto were involved in a crash, Washington State Department of Transportation officials said.


CLE ELUM, Wash. – Interstate 90 is closed in both directions because of a fiery collision involving a tanker truck and a vehicle, according to the state Department of Transportation.

The road was closed in both directions after the tanker trunk involved in the crash caught fire and was found to be leaking ammonia.

Trooper Brian Moore says the crash happened in the westbound lanes of I-90 about a mile east of Cle Elum. Four tanks fell off the truck during the crash, but only one tank is actually venting ammonia.

Traffic on I-90 was stopped in both directions, and officials encouraged those traveling over the pass to take other routes.


KIRO 7 reports the eastbound and westbound Indian John rest areas and adjacent homes are being evacuated. Residents living within a mile of the crash site are advised to close windows and turn off air-conditioning units, the Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office tweeted. Estimated time for I-90 to reopen is approximately 5 p.m. Detours are SR 10, SR 970, and USA 97.

A semi tanker catches fire after a crash on Intersate 90 near Cle Elum Wash. Aug. 3 2016