
Father’s Day Greetings, Wishes, and Quotes!

To celebrate Fathers’ Day we would love to publish dads’ favourite selfies with their babies. My question is, do all fathers out there deserve the credit given to them when their child succeeds?


The role of a Father can not be over estimated. With this collection, you can share these warm Father’s day wishes and images across the entire social networking website.

“My father was the heavy hand”, said another friend.

Q: There’s an old saying that “anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad”. You will always be the number one man in my life.

Jake Gilmour of Licking with sons Caleb and Ian learning about ant trails at Deer Lick Park. Guide them to be outstanding role models to their children. My son’s father is excellent with him. The excuses will be gone and he will be having a busy summer! We all have obstacles, but we have many ways of overcoming them to be the dads our kids need us to be. No matter what our biological or adoptive fathers may have done or not done, the father of creation provides us with many memorable life experiences. When playing with their children, fathers often encouraged them to explore and take risks, while mothers offered stability and security. Better go check on dad. So too, we remember all those who have helped fill the void when fathers pass early or are absent – grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers, pastors and coaches – and the women of our families. Millennial Dads are much more involved in their children’s lives and more active in sharing household responsibilities. Most importantly, say “thank you” to your father, for being the man who taught you to do the right thing, who helped glue the lamp before Mom saw it and who knew just how many ice cubes to put in your apple juice. I trust you have a great day, Dad. Everyone’s answer? They were all terrific! Alienating kids from their fathers isn’t the solution. In the last five years, India has appropriated both Mother’s and Father’s Day with unbridled enthusiasm.

Studies show that the positive influences of family and marriage, and the structure of a stable home environment set the groundwork for children’s future success. I suspect some other dads got the same message. God knows how he did it, because he was only a little geezer.

“My husband, Gard, is the best father”.

Mums can send in for the dads, as long as they have permission. Read the Bible with them.

Keith Cantrell is father to 2 children, daughter Tonya Huff and son Bradley, who sadly was killed in a vehicle wreck in 1996. Make him feel special and tell him how much he means to you.


BOGO free meal: Purchase a kids meal, and Dad can eat for free on June 19 at Roy Rogers. He is very proud of his son David who is a service manager over 8 auto care centers.

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