
Fb’s Mark Zuckerberg posts candy photograph altering daughter Max’s diaper

He’s posting many, many comments about (in no particular order): changing his baby’s diaper, explaining the meaning of Hanukah(“It’s the Festival of Lights for Jews and a holiday about hope”, Rabbi Zuckerberg explained) and offering pep talks – as well as posting at length and responding to skeptics in the comments to clarify his precedent-setting $45 billion donation.


If you have already shared the post, don’t worry too much.

The 31-year old CEO posted the picture on the social network alongside his monthly book recommendation which shows Mark and his wife Priscilla Chan reading out a quantum physics children’s book to their adorable baby.

From changing the way the world communicates through creation of the world’s most popular social media site, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is now changing diapers.

Mark is now on a two-month paternity leave so as to spend time with his little daughter Max.

Zuckerberg’s book club, A Year of Books, has focused on big ideas that influence global society and business.

Over the past year, Zuckerberg has used his book club to explore with his followers the dynamics of power and its relationship to culture, religion, wealth distribution, scientific progress, and leadership.

The post states the Zuckerberg will give away 10% of the money, or $4.5 million, to 1,000 Facebook users who copy and paste the message into their status and share it. I am loving reading to Max.


Maxima was born on November 30, 2015 after which Zuckerberg chose to donate 99 per cent of their Facebook shares which is now valued at 46 dollar billion to the work of Chan Zuckerberg Initiative.

Mark Zuckerberg With his Baby Maxima Lying on floor