
FBI, DOJ Officials Met to Discuss Possible Clinton Foundation Case

Three separate Federal Bureau of Investigation offices were in agreement that the Clinton Foundation should be investigated for criminal conflict between the Clinton Foundation and the State Department when Hillary Clinton served as the secretary of state.


They included a communication in which a Clinton Foundation executive reportedly sought to connect a donor with the US ambassador to Lebanon, as well as one in which the foundation appeared to ask Clinton aides to help find a job for an associate, according to the advocacy group.

The investigation into Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s tie to the Clinton Foundation was also brought up during the meeting.

The new documents reveal that in April 2009 controversial Clinton Foundation official Doug Band pushed for a job for an associate.

Ms Clinton has argued the email system was set up for convenience, but critics have said it allowed her to control which messages she sent and received as Secretary of State were recorded by the State Department. “It violates the commitment Secretary Clinton made to Congress and the executive branch following her nomination to be secretary of state”.

“I’m not sure that was a good idea”, McCaskill responded, quickly changing the subject to talk about the work of the Clinton Foundation, rather than the sources of its funding. On a trip to NY in 2012, Mills interviewed two executives for a top position at the Clinton foundation. The government watchdog organization released almost 300 pages of new emails, which contain almost four dozen email exchanges not previously turned over to the State Department. But CNN’s own reporting debunks these claims, explaining that Mills was not a paid employee at the Clinton Foundation and the State Department permitted employees to engage in outside volunteer activities while on personal time. It is noted that for a conflict of interest and public corruption case to exist, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and DOJ would need to prove that a government employee received money or other items of value in exchange for working with the organization.

In a case where there’s a possible conflict of interest that’s not necessarily criminal, the inspector general can look into it and take an administrative remedy if necessary.


Bill Clinton has said it was a mistake for Hillary Clinton to use a personal email server while secretary of state even though her predecessors and her successor did the same.

Bill Clinton slammed FBI director James Comey for what he calls the'the biggest load of bull I've ever heard Comey's testimoney regarding Hillary Clinton's emails