
FBI probes Democratic Party hacking case

“This would be Russian Federation interfering in the American presidential election – which is deeply alarming and completely unacceptable, if it bears out to be true”.


She said she had learned of Russian involvement not through intelligence briefings, but through other means.

The Democratic National Committee just kicked off its own convention on Monday to officially nominate Hillary Clinton for president, but another headline is also grabbing attention.

As part of their pushback against the emails’ damning details, many Democrats accuse Putin of trying to help Trump’s campaign.

Robby Mook told CNN’s Jake Tapper on “State of the Union” on Sunday that “changes to the Republican platform to make it more pro-Russian” could have served as motivation for the attack.

Separately, the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee has been briefed on the hack and would seek information on any potential connection to Russian Federation or another state, said Representative Adam Schiff, the senior Democrat on the panel. The security firm the party brought in last month to deal with the data breach immediately pointed fingers toward what it called “Russian espionage groups”.

“What the experts said when this breach initially happened at the DNC was that they believed it was Russian state actors who took these e-mails”. “The Russians have a word – ne sluchaino”. I don’t know anything about what you just said.

The former CIA employee and government contractor also used the occasion of the leak to call for increased transparency of government intelligence capabilities, an ironic statement given that Russia is known for the opacity of its intelligence services and Moscow’s willingness to use them to do things like help Russian athletes hide their doping. Bernie Sanders during the primary season, prompting Clinton’s campaign to point to a massive hacking of DNC computers in June that cybersecurity firms linked to the Russian government.

Trump waved away Republican disunity as essentially isolated pockets of resistance and made an apparent reference to U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, who was booed off stage in Cleveland when he did not endorse Trump after losing to him in a bitter primary race. He has repeatedly praised Putin’s strength, particularly when it comes to military intervention in Syria. You may know it. Putin has returned the compliment.

None of this is to say that the Republican candidate has sought or would want the help of Putin or ISIS. “How can we not welcome that?”

Mr Trump dismissed these claims as a “joke”.

The email controversy raised new questions about Trump’s foreign policy views with regard to Russian Federation.

“Clinton was a more skeptical voice on the reset”, former United States Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul told Politico. John Schindler, a former NSA analyst and national security expert, noted Monday in The New York Observer that the hackers left behind a signature in Russian and that both groups responsible for the hack are well known Russian intelligence fronts. The Clinton campaign says Russian Federation favors Trump’s views, especially on North Atlantic Treaty Organisation.

The political bromance has been an obsession for some Clinton aides in Brooklyn, but, until recently, they were laughed out of the room. But if we’re talking about the DNC, there’s lots of consultants that have access, lots of programmers. In several post-communist countries – Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Ukraine – secretly taped conversations have been used to destabilise democratic governments and, in some cases, coincidentally or otherwise, to replace them with populist or anti-European governments more to Russia’s liking.

“The most important difference between our plan and that of our opponents is that our plan will put America first”, Trump said Thursday night during his convention speech.


The four-day Democratic convention will open on Monday. National security experts, while cautious about leaping to premature conclusions, warned of the possibility of a significant escalation in an ongoing information war. What we do know is that for the first time in decades, the USA election could be decided by actions taken to effect the outcome by enemies of the United States. “There must be a great deal of schadenfreude there today”.

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