
FBI Probing Security of Hillary Clintons Private E-Mail Setup

In 2012, after Clinton had been secretary of state for over three years, he told Fox News that she was a “terrific woman… she really works hard and I think she does a good job”.


Clinton said she wanted to figure out how more states can do what Washington did. If not, why not? With Jeb Bush – son of HW and brother of W – also running for the Republican nomination in 2016, an extra level of intrigue is added to news of Clinton’s conversation with Trump. Just as Hillary nearly certainly communicated more sensitive or classified information (not just documents) than she’ll ever admit.

“I wish every presidential candidate from either party would visit Utah, so they can learn to properly govern”, said James Evans, Chair, Utah Republican Party. Is there a plan to try to get past this or perhaps to explain this better? But let’s put that aside for the moment.

Clinton has maintained that she never sent classified information on her personal email account, which she said in March she used as a matter of convenience to limit her number of electronic devices.

Bush’s appearance at the Urban League meeting was aimed at furthering his outreach to minority voters, and after Clinton’s on-stage critique, Bush spokesman Tim Miller tweeted, “The DNC and Hillary scramble to attack Jeb today and misrepresent his record betrays their fear of his ability to broaden GOP support“. She ordered the secret server to be set up. That is a highly suspect assertion.

From the perspective of the criminal law, however, this is beside the point.

Federal criminal investigators are thus derelict if they have not already obtained possession of the Clinton server(s).

If investigators prove that Clinton knowingly sent, received, or stored classified information in an unauthorized location, she risks prosecution under the same misdemeanor federal security statute used to prosecute former Central Intelligence Agency Director Gen. David Petraeus, former federal prosecutor Bradley Simon told The Post.

He called the reported FBI investigation “most remarkable” since “the FBI is under the arm of the Obama Justice Department and thus, for the FBI to be forced into action under the watchful eye of Attorney General Loretta Lynch, there must be merit to these new revelations”. Usually, the property is not returned to the subject until after the investigation is concluded, but the subject will be provided with copies of information needed to conduct business, etc.

“Clinton has not abandoned that concept”, reported the Chronicle, noting that her advisers are now weighing whether to draft another “bill of rights” for those paying off student loans.

“You’re actually doing a service that should be both recognized and respected, as well as provide the argument for greater financial benefits”, she said.


A version of this piece previously appeared on National Review Online.

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