
FBI Seeks Secret Declaration In Hillary Clinton Probe

“Start with the entirely plausible view that foreign intelligence services discovered and rifled Hillary Clinton’s server”, said Stewart Baker, a Washington lawyer who spent more than three years as an assistant secretary of the Homeland Security Department and is former legal counsel for the National Security Agency. Despite her appearance at the town hall event, Clinton has been hard to find in one-on-one opportunities on Fox News, whereas she has appeared far more frequently on other networks. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) as well.


The filing is the latest development in the far-reaching investigation of Clinton’s conduct as Secretary of State from 2009-2013, which includes her illegal private email server, her handling of the Benghazi attack, potential disclosure of sensitive information, and the destabilization of several North African and Middle Eastern countries under her term.

She added that the ongoing FBI investigation is not of concern to her presidential campaign.

“It just – what they wanted to ask, we already talked about – talked about in the public arena”, said Clinton.

Clinton also repeated her arguments that she never sent or received classified information by the server system and that previous secretaries of state had similar setups.

‘No, I do not [remember],’ she said. However, it’s unclear whether he will continue to take his campaign into the party’s July nominating convention, trying along the way to get superdelegates committed to Clinton to instead vote for him.

“I said it was a mistake”, she went on. But Trump says, FBI investigation aside, that what Hillary Clinton is guilty of is quote, ‘stupidity and bad judgment.’ And he asks, ‘how can a person with this kind of judgment become the president?’ “Something that how she’s getting away with nobody understands”. She proceeded to cite the need for “a big infrastructure plan”, and blamed Republicans in Congress for blocking “the kind of investments in infrastructure that we’ve been doing literally from the beginning of the republic”.


She told a radio interviewer last Friday that there was no chance of criminal charges.

INSISTENT Hillary Clinton declared Wednesday in a Fox News Channel interview that there's'absolutely no chance she'll be indicted over her classified email scandal or over claims that she used the State Department to enrich her