
FDA To Decide Whether To Approve ‘Female Viagra’ Pill Today

How will you feel if you can increase your female partner’s sex desires??


The Washington Post reports that the Food and Drug Administration plans to vote on the new “female viagra” drug, fliberanserin, this week.

But there are also many safety fears linked to the drug. Many believe that once the company is able to win approval, Sprout Pharmaceuticals would probably get acquired by somebody who wants to acquire all of that cash flow which could be generated due to the drug.

Others have stated that if such a product is good enough for men, that women should be offered the same option, should they wish it. There are now 25 pills on the market that help with male-oriented sexual dysfunction, plus the famous Viagra pill that has been available to the public for the last 18 years.


Sprout claims that 43 percent and 60 percent of women who took these pills were feeling more sexual desires than before they said now there sex life with their partner is improving day by day. But this time around the USDA is giving a green light to use the medication as a treatment for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). It has been found in major trials by manufacturers Sprout Pharmaceuticals that the pill that was initially created as an antidepressant was associated with side-effects like low blood pressure, fatigue, nausea, insomnia and drowsiness. The FDA’s advisory board has already approved the drug and the FDA typically follows suit. 200 health professionals have sent letters asking the FDA to not approve the drug, USA Today notes. She asked “Do we really need to have a corporately determined level of libido?”

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