
FDA to modify food label guidelines to include added sugar details

The Grocery Manufacturers Association, which strongly opposed the new version of the label when FDA first presented it as a proposal in 2014, said in a statement that the new label would confuse consumers and called for an education campaign to explain it to the public. Now the nutrition label itself is more aligned with the goal of educating and limiting sugar consumption.


“I am thrilled that the FDA has finalized a new and improved nutrition facts label that will be on food products nationwide”, said first lady Michelle Obama in a statement.

You’ll also be able to see how much sugar is being added to certain foods, a change that’s giving the sugar industry a toothache. Calcium and iron content will continue to be required on the new labels.

The listed serving size for many products will also have to be updated on the Nutrition Facts labels, due to a new system for determining serving sizes based on what consumers realistically consume. Hopefully, consumers will take note of this information when they shop for food or consider how much to eat. While fat was the focus when the labels were created, calories are of greater concern these days.

FDA’s full announcement and description of the changes to the Nutrition Facts label can be found here.

Other changes to the labels: They must now list levels of potassium and Vitamin D, two nutrients Americans don’t get enough of. The proposed changes would highlight the calorie count of all foods, detail added sugars, and prove easier to understand the basic nutritional value of packaged foods.

The newly redesigned label puts a larger emphasis on calories per serving.

Package size affects what people eat.

Here’s what changed on the new labels.. Vitamin C and Vitamin A listings are no longer required but can be included. The FDA’s final nutrition rules will ensure that consumers are empowered with the guidance they need to make healthier, more informed food choices that can reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke.

The scientific evidence underlying the 2010 and the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans support reducing caloric intake from added sugars; and expert groups such as the American Heart Association, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Institute of Medicine and the World Health Organization also recommend decreasing intake of added sugars. Listings for “total fat”, “saturated fat”, and “trans fat” are still required. Companies with annual revenues of less than $10 million will have an additional year to transition. This “reality check” will more accurately reflect the amount of food Americans actually eat and drink.


The change reflects increasing concern about the amount of sugar that Americans consume, and the amount of sugar that’s added to common foods.

Click here to view what's different in the new label