
Fear the Walking Dead: Prediction poll results going into episode 4

At their house, Madison and Travis made love.


The cavalry arrives on ‘Fear the Walking Dead, ‘ but the military can’t help – can it?

Chris tries to convince Madison that someone needs her help. It can be under the auspices of, “We’re trying to protect you”. There are pockets of people who are behind fences who are safe for now. It does raise certain questions about what happened in the DZ and if the military’s sweep was as careful and thorough as they claim, or if it was far more sudden, general, and violent. Soldiers are required to perform mandatory health screenings on everyone within the fenced-in areas. It’s someone signaling from outside the fence. “If it happens, it will happen quickly, and you must be prepared”, he warns, echoing the same sentiment Tobias delivered at the start of the season.

The doctor admitted that she recommended that the other people they knew were taken away to be treated. Travis reminds her that there really isn’t anything they can do, and she responds angrily that it’s the army’s job to save whoever that person is.

Outside, in her vehicle , Madison drank something from a mug.

Chris heads to the roof and keeps a video diary of the events. Can Travis talk to him? She told him he should take care of Chris more. Chris films the neighborhood from the roof. “Nick!” She was not successful in getting him back. He reads that the Hazmat teams are disposing of hazardous materials.

Speaking of those who can’t survive the zombie apocalypse, there is not enough Xanax in the world for me to make it through. I’m not saying “daring” is intrinsically good, but for a slow-burn series to switch things up like this, right when everyone was expecting things to get way more intense for everyone on the undead front, takes guts. The rumor is that they’re headed east.

Meanwhile, Doug has disappeared. This means that Bowers and the military he represents is lying to Travis and his cordoned-off, five-mile-wide safe-zone neighborhood. They said, “We have two names”. It seems hard to imagine a scenario in which those heavily armed, very tough, and well protected soldiers will be overrun by zombies, but I guess that’s what we’re here to find out. The first incident took place after Daniel (Ruben Blades) shot a zombified version of a neighbor attempting to attack Travis. This is particularly true of Liza, who went as far as to join up with the National Guard and its medics. She sees the empty pill bottle and coffee cup on the table before entering the bedroom and analyzing a drawing on the wall. She was ready to kill Susan The Zombie until Travis stopped her. In fact, Travis seems to be the only thing that’s holding her back.

Travis called out, “Doug?” He tells his upset wife “Don’t have fear”, in Spanish. This, despite the revelation that Liza isn’t, nor has she ever been, a nurse. Well, it’s only been nine days, Madison.

Nick is in the pool. He goes to peek and then sees the woman leave the house to check her garden. It could be a ploy to get medicine to help her mother, who is still suffering from a broken ankle. She tells him she “bodies”. But the Travis-versus-Bowers face-off that Chris’s discovery sets up is a lose-lose scenario for viewers, since it essentially asks us to either side with a weakling hero or a dickish man of action. Travis calms them down then walks them home. Madison tells Travis she saw what Chris saw in the video.

Travis leaves Doug whose blood pressure is being taken by a soldier. Travis curses. Someone signals back. They tell him they found Doug crying in his auto . They are 1 of 12 safe zones in the area. We will see a couple of unique and very specific ways of collecting all their loved ones – and will see which approach works. The soldiers won’t let her out of the yard. The soldiers refuse to let Daniel go with his wife and forcefully take Nick away to the facility after discovering his drug use. What she finds is a bunch of dead bodies (and lots of flies) in the streets. Just where is this facility and why haven’t they heard of it before?

Madison came back, and Daniel asked “What did you see?” Is she using him? Travis shows up and introduces himself. We also see Nick (Frank Dillane) being struck in the face with the butt of a gun and someone being taken away on a stretcher. “She did this”, Madison tells Travis. There was a man, shot like the others, like the rest; but, he wasn’t sick. Daniel says they did. Now, they don’t know much at all. “And at that moment, I realized my father is a fool for thinking there was a difference”. She looked around cautiously. She agrees and he thanks her. He tells her to keep Nick close.

Madison is not so quick to dismiss the possibility that Lieutenant Moyers and his men are hiding the truth.

In the house, Travis talks to his neighbor’s wife. Madison finally lost it on him, and rightfully so. She asked him about his methadone addiction. She leaves him hunched in the corner. Travis refused to believe it. Stupid Alicia. Alicia is the new Chris who is the new Carl. He’s near tears and she hugs him. The soldiers have come for Griselda. It’s also an appropriate song because Nick is a junkie.

The man Liza was helping has raspy breathe.


Should we be anxious about Liza going with Dr. Exner? Liza gets onto the truck as Christ watches. He delivers a speech, and exasperatedly shouts down a group of protesters who want to know when telephone service will be restored, what’s being done to replace medical supplies, and other burning questions. He’s in the trick with Liza and then they’re gone. She storms away into the garage and slams the door. She says she’ll see him soon. Chris spends time on the roof and thinks someone is alive outside of the neighborhood, even though the military says everyone is dead.

039;Fear the Walking Dead&#039 Review 'Not Fade Away&#039 Introduces a New Enemy