
Federal Bureau of Investigation director: Petraeus case worse than Clinton’s emails

Comey testifies before a House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on Capitol Hill on Thursday.


When asked about that by Congress, Comey said: “I don’t want to give any foreign governments knowledge of what I know”.

“I think he did what he had to do from a legal point of view”, continued the congressman.

FBI Director James Comey stood by his decision not to call for charges against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, saying “no reasonable prosecutor” would have pressed charges.

Rep. Trey Gowdy asked Comey whether Clinton’s statement was correct. “And my judgment here is there is not”, Comey said.

Trump, though, is unique – uniquely frightening, in the view of many – and that may be enough in the end to persuade voters that, compromised as she is, Clinton is still the better option in November.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee said she “certainly did not believe” that she was handling classified information on her server at the time, but emphasised that she followed the lead of her subordinates on whether information was classified.

“You’ll have one, you’ll have one in the next few hours”, Chaffetz promised with a laugh. Director Comey explains that the Federal Bureau of Investigation wasn’t just looking at what Hillary Clinton did but also what she was thinking when she did it.

It is a crime to mishandle classified information, and while FBI Director James Comey said on Tuesday there was evidence Clinton or her aides may have broken these laws, there was not enough evidence of criminal intent for a prosecution. Clinton said she did not send or receive emails marked classified, but Comey said three messages on her server were actually marked classified in the body of the email, with the letter C in parentheses. They included eight email chains with top secret information, the highest classification, along with 36 containing secret information and eight with confidential information.

Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Clinton, said Judicial Watch “has been attacking the Clintons since the 1990s so it’s no surprise that after the Justice Department declared this case closed, they are trying to keep this issue alive in order to try to hurt Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president”. Comey said he wasn’t sure whether Clinton knew they were marked classified. “I say that under oath, I stand by that”.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Republican from Utah, asked Comey the big question: Did Clinton lie?

Gowdy: Secretary Clinton said all work-related emails were returned to the State Department.


The State Department said Thursday it will reopen its internal investigation into whether Clinton compromised her handling of classified material.

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