
Federal Bureau of Investigation Picked Up ‘Blank’ Clinton Email Server, Report Says

In the meantime, Clinton’s team “has worked with the State Department to ensure her emails are stored in a safe and secure manner”, Merrill said.


Indian-origin Republican presidential aspirant Bobby Jindal attacked Hillary Clinton, saying the Democratic frontrunner is just a single email away from prison after she signed a sworn declaration that she has turned in all of her government emails.

There may not be much, however, for the Federal Bureau of Investigation to lookover. A few hours after that, Clinton instructed her staff to hand over the server and a pen drive to investigators. She has said the server account never held classified information.

The question is whether classified information was put at risk because of her unusual use of the server in her home to conduct State Department business.

At a State Department briefing Wednesday, Mark Toner, a spokesman, said the two emails designated as Top Secret “weren’t sent by her”.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus said: “All this means is that Hillary Clinton, in the face of FBI scrutiny, has decided she has run out of options”. Because none of you can possibly believe that a Clinton will go to jail for perjury.

The emails it once contained were shifted onto a different server in June 2013 after Clinton tapped a Denver company to manage the system, according to a report from the Washington Post.

Meanwhile, Republican lawmakers have contacted Platte River Networks with questions about the measures taken to protect the server it was storing for Clinton. The State Department disputes that the emails were classified at that time. Hard to say. So far there’s no evidence that she did anything wrong, just a beef between State and Central Intelligence Agency over whether some of the emails she sent and received were classified properly at the time.

“I don’t think it really hurts her one way or another“, said Jan Bauer, the Democratic chair in Story County, Iowa, who is backing Clinton.

The Clinton campaign “pledged to cooperate with the government’s security inquiry” but maintains that her server was wiped clean after she turned over all 30,000 plus work-related emails to the State Department.

The decision to give up the server came after the FBI said Mr. Kendall was not permitted to possess classified information contained in some of the e-mails, said a US official who was not authorized to speak publicly.

Following a request from the State Department at the end of last year, Hillary Clinton has turned over close to 55,000 pages of emails, everything in her possession that was related to the job. “Berger was caught ‘pilfering” classified documents from the National Archives and then destroying them, during the 9/11 Commission hearings.

Patrick Murray, pollster at Monmouth University, said the growing public sentiment that Clinton is not honest or trustworthy must have been a factor in her turning over the server to the Justice Department.


When it comes to low-level government employees with no power, the Obama administration has purposely prosecuted them as harshly as possible to the point of vindictiveness: It has notoriously prosecuted more individuals under the Espionage Act of 1917 for improperly handling classified information than all previous administrations combined.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton