
Federal Bureau of Investigation recovered Benghazi emails involving Hillary Clinton

Clinton’s Republican rival, Donald Trump, pounced on the latest development regarding her emails.


Clinton’s opponent was quick to jump on the new information. The interview was not recorded and the former secretary of state did not take an oath, but Federal Bureau of Investigation agents present did take notes while questioning Clinton.

The Justice Department closed the email investigation without criminal charges, and FBI Director James Comey has said investigators did not believe emails on the private server were intentionally deleted in an effort to hide them, but purged through normal processes.

The hearing was held of lawsuits filed by the conservative legal group Judicial Watch, which has pursued to government records involving the Democratic presidential nominee.

The email from Clinton was sent from the email account – [email protected] – associated with her private email server. Analysis: Clinton trouncing Trump in field office count Michele Bachmann: God picked Trump to be the GOP nominee MORE’s voluntary interview during the investigation into her use of a private email server, according to CNN. After being ordered to turn over the content of that private server to the committee investigating Benghazi, Clinton’s lawyers hastily deleted almost 15,000 emails and claimed they were not connected to official government business.

Government lawyers told U.S. District Court Judge Amit Mehta today that some of the 30 recovered emails relating to Benghazi – they didn’t say now many – were not included in the 55,000 pages previously provided by Clinton. “Clinton swore before a federal court and told the American people she handed over all her work-related emails”.

“The State Department shall search the material, determine whether any responsive records exist, and complete its first production of non-exempt records, to the extent any exist, by September 13, 2016”.

The investigation into that one Hillary Clinton controversy has now uncovered more information about that other Hillary Clinton controversy.

While Comey called the former secretary of State “extremely careless” for using the server, he said repeatedly that “no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case”.

The department said earlier this week that two-thirds of Clinton’s records held in the Diplomatic Reception Room can not be made public.

It was not immediately clear from the wording of Sullivan’s order whether Clinton must answer the questions before or after the November election.


A Clinton spokesman dismissed Judicial Watch in an earlier statement as “a right-wing organization that has been attacking the Clintons since the 1990s”.

Feingold calls Hillary Clinton 'reliable and trustworthy' (AUDIO)