
Feds propose ban on swims with Hawaii dolphins — AP NewsBreak

Only accidental encounters – when dolphins approach divers or snorkelers – would be allowed.


This Aug. 15, 2012 photo provided by Murdoch University dolphin researcher Julian Tyne shows people swimming near dolphins in Makako Bay in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii.

The National Marine Fisheries Service proposal expected to be announced Tuesday would allow some limited exceptions, given dolphins sometimes approach people.

The National Marine Fisheries Service says Hawaii’s spinner dolphins are being deprived of rest and becoming stressed out by interacting with tourists and have proposed a ban on the practice.

Spinner dolphins are nocturnal animals, hunting at night and resting during the day, But experts say that because they sleep near shore, they’re vulnerable to being disturbed frequently.

Swimming with dolphins is popular with visitors and some locals on Hawaii, with dozens of companies on Kauai, Oahu, Maui and the Big Island of Hawaii operating dolphin tours daily.

The ban would cover waters out to 2 miles, where Hawaii’s spinner dolphins rest after foraging for food at night. Tour companies take customers to these close-to-shore waters to find dolphins.

“If you’re doing work that helps people— that enlightens them, inspires them, makes them feel good — that’s a good thing. They may abandon their young or habitat, and they may suffer long-term population impacts”, Garrett said. They warn of cruel capturing techniques, low dolphin survival rates, diseases, exposure to pollution, and disrupted social interactions as plenty reasons not to visit such a site.

The NMFS (NMFS) plans to hold public meetings next month with the final decision coming in 2017.

The federal agency is also proposing to require swimmers and vessels to stay at least 50 yards away from the dolphins.

She said tour operators can follow this rule and still make a living.

Rules are already in force to reduce the “take” of the mammals, established in the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972.

“Dolphin-directed activities have grown dramatically in recent years, and the easily accessible Hawaiian spinner dolphins face heavy and increasing pressures from people seeking a dolphin experience”, a NOAA statement said. The writer and artist said intentionally going into wildlife areas jeopardizes the animals.


Captive dolphins’ diets are carefully monitored to ensure they get enough calories to support the energy they’re expending throughout the day, he said. Spinner dolphins sleep with half of their brains still awake, swimming through shallow bays to avoid predators.

NOAA Fisheries propose ban on swimming with dolphins