
Feds Said No Tanning Beds for Minors

Regulators in the United States are proposing to restrict use of sunlamp products such as indoor tanning beds and booths to adults aged 18 and over.


“Before their first tanning session and every six months thereafter”, the December 18 release stated, “adult users over age 18 would have to sign a risk acknowledgement certification that states that they have been informed of the risks to health that may result from use of sunlamp products”.

The FDA are also proposing that tanning services must inform adult users about the health risks of indoor tanning and get them to sign a certificate to say they understand the risks.

Dr. Stephen Ostroff, the Food and Drug Administration’s acting commissioner of food and drugs, said that young people need to be protected from tanning beds, which are known to cause skin cancer, as well as other harms.

Now, in terms of tanning, according to a recent statistic, it would seem that more than 1.6 million teenagers make use of this hazardous tanning method. The worst form of it is the melanoma, which is the deadliest.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology, by using an indoor tanning bed, a person’s chances of developing melanoma increases by 59 percent. In fact, UV radiation from indoor tanning units may be 10 to 15 times more intense than tanning in the sun, he added. Its latest proposal brings it in line with recommendations made by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, part of the World Health Organization.

“The indoor tanning industry is heavily regulated at both the federal and state levels, and our customers are well aware of the potential risks of over exposure”, the ITA said. “We encourage the FDA to finalize this proposed rule, as it would be a historic victory in our nation’s fight to eradicate skin cancer”. Melanoma is the most common form of cancer among people between 25 and 29, according to the National Cancer Institute.

As of today, minors are no longer allowed to use tanning beds.

With the bill entering in its final stages before being enforce, the public has approximately 90 days to comment on the bill. Back in July 2014, the Office of the Surgeon General declared a Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer, amalgamated with strategies for reducing indoor tanning. Data’s from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that around 3,000 emergency cases occurred in the year of 2012-13 only because of indoor tannin.FDA also issued another circulation stating that sunlamp manufacturers and tanning facility providers must ensure quality by regular check up and improve the safety of their products.


The news that FDA has finally agreed to take actions against the improper use of tanning beds at an incredibly early age, has pleased parents and tutors.

Tanning Beds May Be Banned for Minors in the U.S