
Feel the Bern! Clinton offensive sharpens against Sanders

Clinton has repeatedly hit the Vermont senator over his voting record on gun laws and opened a new line of attack on the cost of his health care policies – arguments she continued Wednesday morning.


On Tuesday, a Quinnipiac poll saw Sanders win a five-point lead over Clinton among likely Iowa caucus-goers.

On “Today”, the former Secretary of State said she wasn’t nervous about Sanders’ surge, and explained that “now it’s time to draw some contrasts”.

When Sanders introduced a single-payer bill in 2013, the bill was to be paid for through “an equitable system of progressive taxation, payroll taxes and re-allocation of current dedicated health care expenditures by the federal, state and local governments”. Bernie Sanders among black voters.

In his statement released on Wednesday, Sanders’ campaign chalked up the Clinton campaign’s ramped up criticism of his health care proposals to fear that he is doing well in the polls.

“Smart would be to say: ‘I want to do well.’ That way, if I come in second, everyone’s going to say: ‘Oh, he did well.’ I don’t want to do that”.

Doug Gross, the president of the Brady Campaign, tweaked Mr. Sanders, a Vermont independent, this afternoon for supporting a “truly evil” piece of legislation that shielded gun manufacturers and dealers from most liability lawsuits. “He wants to roll Medicare, Medicaid, Affordable Care Act, and private health insurance into a national system and turn it over to the states to administer”. “Because if you look at Senator Sanders’ proposals going back nine times in the Congress, that’s exactly what he’s proposed”.

But on Wednesday, Clinton aides said their questions over Sanders’ health care plan weren’t driven by the polls, but by the looming caucus vote.

KEENE, N.H. (AP) – Bernie Sanders casts himself as the voice of anti-establishment politics, fueling his insurgent rise in the Democratic primaries as a principled fighter unwilling to compromise for political gain.

Clinton campaign spokesman Jake Sullivan said on a conference call with reporters that Sanders is refusing to release details of the plan because they are “politically hard”.

“I think there’s some passion gap here that’s missing for Hillary Clinton”.

“I have been fairly consistent my entire political life”, Sanders said in an interview on MSNBC last week. Should she win the nomination, Clinton will need that kind of liberal enthusiasm to boost her to victory in a general election. “But on the issue of guns, let me be very clear I support the president”. “We intend to go toe-to-toe, or even exceed them, until the end”, Devine said of Sanders’ ad buys.

“Clinton’s attacks on a Democratic Party rival over universal health care marks a very public flip flop by her and her campaign”.


Meanwhile on Tuesday, Chelsea Clinton made her debut appearance in the race, making three stops in New Hampshire where she told personal anecdotes and discussed detailed policy points while campaigning for her mother.

Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton