
Feeling ‘overheated,’ Hillary Clinton leaves 9/11 anniversary ceremony early

Last year, Clinton’s personal physician reported that the candidate was in excellent health, a medical opinion she reiterated again last month.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign says the Democratic presidential nominee left a 9/11 anniversary ceremony in NY after feeling “overheated“. A video of her departure showed her buckling and stumbling as she got into her van.

Bardack says Clinton has been experiencing a cough related to allergies, and in a follow-up examination Friday of her cough, Clinton was diagnosed with pneumonia. “She was put on antibiotics, and advised to rest and modify her schedule”, Bardack said in a statement.

Hillary Clinton left a 9/11 commemoration event before it was over on Sunday due to overheating, decamping to her daughter’s Manhattan apartment to recover her strength.

As Clinton left the apartment, she commented on the “beautiful day” and said she was feeling great.

“I’m feeling great, it’s a attractive day in New York”, Clinton said.

An unnamed witness also quoted by Fox said Mrs Clinton had stumbled off the kerb.

Along with taking blood-thinning medication, Clinton takes medication for hypothyroidism, a condition in which her thyroid gland is underactive and doesn’t produce enough important hormones, according to Bardack’s report.

In a telephone interview, Rep. Joe Crowley of NY told The Associated Press that at one point, he saw what he thought was a staff member tap Clinton on her shoulder. Last week, he said he would occasionally allow reporters aboard his plane. “This is actually common and anticipated for events such as this”.

This story has been corrected to reflect that Clinton said “basket of deplorables, ‘ not “bucket of deplorables” in reference to ‘half” of Trump’s supporters. She waved and posed for a photo with a young girl before getting into her motorcade.

Clinton arrived at the memorial at 8:18 am and greeted Sen. She was helped into the van. Trump attended the same memorial service at Ground Zero. Reporters traveling with Clinton could not see her directly, but the politicians around her were all standing and packed tightly together. “Back in October the National Enquirer said I would be dead in six months”, she said. Before the ceremony concluded, her legs appeared to buckle and she was aided into a van by her security agents. He noted that it “was incredibly stifling” at the event and several people were sweating through their clothes.

But as a precaution, Clinton remains on daily blood thinners, something her husband previously revealed.

“We really haven’t gotten very much, essentially a letter from her doctor“, he told CNN, but added that Trump should be held to the same requirement.

Still, the commotion at the 9/11 ceremony did nothing to quash rumors regarding the state of Clinton’s health.

The candidate did express exasperation at the specific charge of health issues.

Clinton’s illness came as she sought to move on after a blunder in which she called “half” of Donald Trump supporters “deplorable”, a remark that came with just over two weeks to go until the first debate in the bitter battle for the White House. “Her past medical history is notable for a deep vein thrombosis in 1998 and in 2009, an elbow fracture in 2009 and a concussion in 2012”. She is in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as President of the United States.

After lots of confusion among those present about what happened, the Clinton campaign released a statement.

A video showing Clinton bobbing her head in response to media reporters’ questions was also the subject of intense speculation, with some claiming she exhibited symptoms of Parkinson’s disease in the video.

“You know my relationship with the press has been at times, shall we say, complicated,”Clinton said in 2015 when she headlined a journalism awards ceremony”.


Asked if she was “feeling better?”

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton walks from her daughter's apartment building Sunday Sept. 11 2016 in New York. Clinton unexpectedly left Sunday's 9/11 anniversary ceremony in New York after feeling'overheated' according