
Felicity Jones learnt Kung Fu for Star Wars: Rogue One

We’re now nearly four years on from Disney’s acquisition of Lucasfilm and with it the Star Wars license, and since then they’ve been hard at work earning that $4.05 billion back. Other members of the cast include Felicity Jones as Jyn, Diego Luna as Captain Cassian Andor, Alan Tudy as K-2SO, Forest Whitaker as Saw Gererra, Donnie Yen as Chirrut Imwe, Riz Ahmed as Bodhi Rook, and Jiang Wen as Baze Malbus.


The Go Rogue shorts uses the previously revealed Rogue One toys and action figures to great comedic effect, thanks to the talents of animators and directors Dan MacKenzie and Tucker Barrie, writer Kevin Ulrich, Tongal’s James DeJulio, and the rest of the creative team. We also appreciate those on which appears Jyn alone, either two X-Wing company, the iconic ships of the Rebel Alliance, or the Death Star. But this new promo art gives us another look at the classic “Star Wars” villain. “It came through hard work and lots of practice and rehearsals”.

From Lucasfilm comes the first of the Star Wars standalone films, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, an all-new epic adventure. “Or do not. There is no try.” as her parenting motto; and Charley Burns, a nine-year-old girl who likes “all the hardcore girls like Princess Leia”.


Darth Vader and Stormtroopers arrive at the Disney XD’s “Star Wars Rebels” Season 2 finale event at Walt Disney Studios at Walt Disney Studios on March 28, 2016 in Burbank, California.

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