
Fiat Will Probe Car’s Role In Death Of Star Trek Actor

The driver could not realize whether the vehicle was parked or not by simply looking at the gearshift. Vehicle owners had cited “rollaways” after they thought the auto was in park.


Fiat Chrysler has not yet commented on the matter.

The company are said to have been working on a fix expected to arrive in October or later. He had gotten out of the vehicle momentarily, but police did not say why he was behind it when it started rolling.

FCA expressed its “most honest condolences to the family and friends of Mr. Yelchin” on Monday.

His friend had visited the home because Yelchin failed to attend a planned 11 pm rehearsal earlier in the evening.

These 2014 and 2015 Jeep Grand Cherokees had gear-shift designs that make it hard to determine what gear the auto is in. Fiat Chrysler said in April that it’s aware of 41 potentially related injuries.

The recalled cars have an unusual electronic gear shifter which requires drivers to push forward three times to switch from driving to parking mode.

The confusing gear stick would spring back into the same position after being shifted, and drivers could not tell whether the vehicle was in park or neutral at first glance. Instead, there would be a warning light on the stick and there would be a chime when the door opened if the vehicle was in neutral. This was clearly not a typical auto accident and it happened in Yelchin’s driveway.

Winter said any toxicology results will take months to analyse.

“The victim was on his way to meet his friends for a rehearsal and when he didn’t show up, his friends went to his house where they found him deceased by his auto”, Houser told CNN on Sunday.

Officials ruled the actor’s death an accident following an autopsy.

Yelchin’s “Star Trek” co-star Zachary Quinto posted a heartfelt message to his Instagram, calling him “wise beyond his years”.

The cast and creators of “Star Trek Beyond” paid tribute to Yelchin on Sunday, with producer J.J. Abrams posting on Twitter, “You were brilliant”.

His death was felt throughout the industry. Critics and filmgoers alike were impressed by performances in films such as House of D and Hearts in Atlantis, where he was able to make an impression even acting opposite heavyweights like Robin Williams and Anthony Hopkins. The actor also starred in “Star Trek Into Darkness” in 2013 and is featured in the upcoming “Star Trek Beyond”, which is set to be released July 22.

He was born in Saint Petersburg, Russia (then Leningrad) to figure skaters Irina and Viktor Yelchin. He briefly flirted with skating lessons, too, before discovering that he wasn’t very skilled on the ice.

The rapper and actor Drake, who had a cameo in “Charlie Bartlett”, posted this picture of him and Yelchin to his Instagram. “There was something about it that I just felt completely comfortable doing and happy doing”.

“Jim was like, ‘Watch out”. He was 27 years old.


Watch Yelchin’s 2013 interview with CBC about Only Lovers Left Alive and how he chooses his roles below.

2015 Jeep Cherokee Was Star Trek's Anton Yelchin killed by a dangerous flaw in his Jeep Grand Cherokee? Credit Jeep