
Fiery Jeb Bush defends use of term ‘anchor babies’

“This has become a very politically advantageous issue for Donald Trump and a lot of the Republican candidates are reacting”, Motomura said.


That’s Bush’s hardest slap at Trump to date. He was trying to stunt Trump’s rise while attempting to recover his own political mojo.

“Jeb’s been working his tail off meeting voters, campaigning the way New Hampshire voters expect”, he continued.

Jeb Bush checked off several boxes on the Koch brothers’ agenda as he gave the opening speech at the billionaires’ Americans for Prosperity summit.

It’s a change from Bush’s approach to this point. John McCain’s war service and his attacks against Fox News’s Megyn Kelly. However, Mr. Bush refuses to wait for it to happen and takes the matter in his hands.

The détente ended this week.

The GOP candidate faced immediate backlash from Democrats.

When asked whether using the term “anchor babies” – as Trump has – to describe children of illegal-immigrant parents automatically granted citizenship, Bush defended it saying: “You give me a better term and I’ll use it”.

As you can tell by the “you know” that preceded the term, and the “as they’re described” that followed, the words anchor babies didn’t exactly roll off Bush’s tongue.

I don’t see how he’s electable”, Trump said of Bush, the former Florida governor, at a press conference before his town hall in Derry.

Experts say it’s just the latest jargon in a long-running history of heated – and loaded – political rhetoric. “He has given more money to Democrats than he’s given to Republicans”.

His brother’s name is already hurting Jeb Bush. Bush was on the national committee of the now-disbanded centrist conservative group and was a co-chairman at the time the memo went out.

As for Trump’s knock that the Bush crowd was “sleeping”, his rival responded: “That’s an insult”. So, you know what?

With less than five months before Iowa and New Hampshire cast the early votes in the party nominating process, Trump leads in polls across the board, leaving the remaining 16 Republican candidates in his dust.

“No one has figured out how to handle Trump”, former New Jersey governor Thomas Kean, a Republican, told The Washington Post. In the six chapters of the book, two phrases never appear: “sanctuary cities” and “anchor babies“. While immigration reform is something Bush is passionate about – and has even written a book about – he’s often criticized within the GOP as too liberal on the issue. Many, particularly in the Latino community, find this phrase offensive.

We are going to have a wild time in Alabama tonight!” blared Trump on Twitter.

LLAMAS: But just two years ago Bush co-chaired a Hispanic outreach group that sent a memo to Capitol Hill suggesting conservatives shouldn’t use the term anchor baby.

Bush, though, needs to close the floodgates.

“He’s going to have to account for the fact he was for a single-payer system, he was for partial-birth abortions”, Bush said.

During his radio interview, Bush said he disagreed with fellow Republican candidate Donald Trump, who has called for an end to birthright citizenship.


Their differences on immigration also popped up Wednesday.

WATCH: Trump, Bush attack each other at dueling town halls in New Hampshire