
Fifty killed in Florida gay club shooting, worst in United States history

Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de Leon of Los Angeles says the 49 people killed at an Orlando nightclub were easily mowed down with high-powered weapons, making it important to pass more aggressive restrictions. They’re very highly customizable. “In Orlando and San Bernardino, terrorists used assault weapons, the AR-15, and they used it to kill Americans”.


“He is not a prohibited person, so he can legally walk into a gun dealership and acquire and purchase firearms”.

The AR-type-rifle Mateen used to slaughter 50 people at the Pulse nightclub, is known for it’s lethality and has been used in other mass shootings in the United States.

Toomey previously joined forces with Democrats on gun-control legislation after a gunman in 2012 fatally shot 20 young children and six educators at a CT elementary school. In America, such mass shootings are as horrific as they are common.

Obama, speaking in the Oval Office after meeting with the Federal Bureau of Investigation director, said the attack appears similar to the shooting late past year in San Bernardino, California, though he added that “we don’t yet know”. The solution isn’t “thoughts and prayers”, but the legislative action they’re refusing to take, like banning assault weapons or-at the bare minimum-preventing people on terror watch lists from buying guns.

Similar legislation failed in 2013 soon after Sandy Hook. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), would authorize the attorney general to block a gun purchase by someone “appropriately suspected” of involvement in terrorism based on “a reasonable belief” that he “may” use the gun “in connection with terrorism”.

Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., said Congress needs to juggle the divisive topics of guns and terrorism. “If he wasn’t, it may be a gun debate”, Flake said on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.

Speaking in the Oval Office Monday, Obama described the attack as a result of “home grown extremism”, but said the attacker wasn’t being directed by any particular terror organization. Manufactured by companies such as Colt and Bushmaster, it’s the civilian version of the M-16 rifle used by the USA military and many armies around the globe. “The last thing I want is congratulations”.


While Mr. Trump has yet to make an appearance in OH since locking up the Republican nomination, it will be back to politics as usual when Mrs. Clinton returns to OH on June 22 for a rally in Columbus. Therefore, it is safe to say that Henson knows the laws regarding the selling of weapons to citizens. “That’s just plain risky and it plays into ISIS’s hands”. He noted that the site of the shooting was more than a nightclub, calling it a place where people came to raise awareness, speak their minds and advocate for their civil rights.

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