
Final Fantasy VII remake will be split across multiple games

“It will essentially be a full-scale game for each part of the multipart series”.


In a new interview with Jeuxvideo, translated by GameFAQs and Final Fantasy XV forums member NoctisPendragon, Hajime Tabata stated that he would like the PC version of Final Fantasy XV to be a tech showcase, and not a simple port of the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One release.

“We hope this will ignite the Final Fantasy brand and really kick start the FFXV campaign”.

Kitase defends the decision to alter the original when he tells Game Informer: “I, along with [Tetsuya] Nomura-san and [Kazushige] Nojima-san – who are involved with the remake – were also involved with the original Final Fantasy”, Kitase said. The team is looking to add even more before the game releases. With this completed, developers can focus on using the remaining time to make sure that the frame rate will be better. While this may be true, the game is now in a localization phase. And we got rid of that idea completely with XV. Nonetheless, fans worldwide have something to look forward to, as “Final Fantasy XV” arrives on September 30. This version could incorporate things that we were forced to abandon because of the limitations of home consoles.

It is said that only then can Square Enix shift their focus to the release of “Final Fantasy 7 Remake”. Still, this news gives hope to old and new Final Fantasy players alike that they could see this highly anticipated game on PC.

In related news, fans of the franchise can hype themselves while waiting for “Final Fantasy XV” by watching the miniseries “Brotherhood” that is available on YouTube.


If the stories we’ve heard from the Uncovered event are true, Square Enix doesn’t have to worry. One can only hope, especially with the thought of being able to customize transportation.

PC Release Hinted for Final Fantasy XV Michael Spiteri