
Final State of the Union highlights failures of Obama-Clinton agenda

US President Barack Obama today asked his countrymen to reject any politics that targets people based on religion and race, taking a dig at Republican candidates like Donald Trump for their anti-Muslim rhetoric.


If a Republican candidate is elected to the presidency in November, “We would end a disastrous health care program and replace it with reforms that lowered costs and actually let you keep your doctor”, Gov. Haley said. “Period”, he declared. “It’s not even close”.

Addressing a hostile Republican-led Congress and a country plunged in a tumultuous, at times angry presidential campaign, Obama used his Tuesday night address to summon an affirmative vision of his administration and for the future. He encouraged us to take the money out of politics so that the people select us through their votes as their representatives, not party politics, gerrymandering or, big money interests.

Painting an unflattering picture of “Obama’s America” she said, “Presidents record has often fallen far short of his soaring words”. “That’s the way we make the new economy work better for everybody”.

Second, Obama said the United States has to reignite the spirit of innovation to meet urgent challenges. Ted Cruz’s claim last month that he would “carpet bomb (ISIS) into oblivion”.

And he boasted of the Paris agreement on climate, refuting his critics by saying: “Look, if anybody still wants to dispute the science around climate change, have at it. You’ll be pretty lonely”. “The future we want is within our reach if we work together to fix our politics” by restoring the “basic bounds of trust”, said Obama.

Obama on Wednesday hit numerous same themes of the speech, in which he called for tolerance toward people of different faiths, recounted what he’s doing to protect America from the spread of Islamic State-inspired terrorism and described an economic rebound that has seen the national unemployment rate drop to 5 percent, half of what it was when he took office in 2009.

“When politicians insult Muslims, when a mosque is vandalised, or a kid bullied, that doesn’t make us safer”, Mr Obama said. It makes it harder to achieve our goals.

“Over the past seven years, Americans have watched the Obama-Clinton agenda result in higher taxes, lost jobs, and a world that grows more unsafe by the day”.

“Leadership means a wise application of military power, and rallying the world behind causes that are right”, Mr. Obama said, listing the new opening with Cuba, the nuclear deal with Iran, the Trans Pacific Partnership that would limit China and establish US leadership in Asia as examples of his internationalism.


“It was one of his better speeches”, Fisher said.

Obama: Middle East undergoing “transformation”; ISIL conflict not world war III