
Financial dispute suspected in murder of Morro Bay woman

Carrie Jean Melvin was walking with her boyfriend down a Hollywood street earlier this month when a man very nonchalantly walked up behind her and instantly killed her by putting a shotgun to her head and shooting.


Officer Matthew Ludwig says 31-year-old Ezeoma Obioha was arrested Friday evening on suspicion of murder.

Carrie Jean Melvin moved from Northern California to Los Angeles with dreams of a career in the entertainment industry. Melvin then threatened to sue Obioha after a check he wrote her for a few hundred dollars bounced or was canceled. Melvin was killed July 5, when a man approached and shot her in the head with a shotgun.

Melvin was walking with her boyfriend along McCadden Place about 10 p.m., near Sunset Boulevard. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

The killing was originally thought to be a random act of violence but investigators now believe Melvin was targeted by Obioha due to a financial dispute.

“It’s a good community, the crime rate is relatively low, we don’t have many incidents that occur in the area”, John Skaggs, a detective with the Los Angeles Police Department, said at the time.

Obioha was a security guard at a pawn shop, NBC Los Angeles reported. She also modeled and produced.

According to Melvin’s LinkedIn profile, she became CEO of a social media management company in June.


“I’m thankful that he was apprehended and arrested, but we can’t celebrate”, her father, Bernie Melvin, told the Los Angeles Times.
