
Fiorina draws on business experience at State Fair appearance

To about 100 onlookers, he said at The Des Moines Register’s Political Soapbox: “I would send in American special ops to destroy those recruiting centers, those planning hubs, and kill them there, and get out before they have the chance to kill us here”.


An example, she said, is the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform legislation, which she believes has rewarded the nation’s largest financial institutions while forcing the closure of many community banks. “I can’t do that, right?”

Trump on top: Donald Trump’s polling keeps getting better. Even before she got to Hewlett-Packard, there were questions raised about her tenure as a senior executive at Lucent, a fast-growing telecom company that collapsed during the telecom crash in the early part of the last decade.

It’s a message that’s a lot different from other candidates. Fiorina: “It’s obviously a delicate balance”.

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Fiorina, who served as CEO from 1999 until 2005, claims that under her leadership, HP doubled its revenues. “Hang with us”, she said on that same day in a conference call with reporters. The former Hewlett-Packard CEO is the only woman in the GOP race, and she has repeatedly criticized Clinton on the campaign trail. “I’m so proud of my sister, she’s turned out great”.

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Ending the Islamic State group’s rein of terror is something all people of all religions can rally around, Mr. Kasich said.

The attraction of Fiorina (and Walker) is that she did just what Reagan and only Reagan did in modern political history: Carly (and Scott) fought an ideological election campaign in a state conservatives must win but often lose. I would be conducting, actually now, at a moment when China’s economy is wavering a bit, I would be conducting more flyovers on the South China Sea. He said Walker, who was also at the fair on Monday, might have an edge as the governor of Wisconsin.

Fiorina impressed voter Kathy Wagemann of Clive, Iowa. They will increase the cost of energy. She said agriculture is being destroyed as the EPA controls more of the water in the United States, adding the agency is standing in the way of affordable and reliable electricity.

The National Journal reports the issue has been argued for years by economists, including a 2014 report from the Congressional Budget Office that projected raising the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10 an hour would lead to a reduction in 500,000 jobs nationally while raising weekly earnings for some 16.5 million workers.


Asked about her stance on vaccinating children, Fiorina said, “When in doubt, it is always the parent’s choice”, Fiorina said.

Fiorina not in GOP race to 'win' vice presidency