
Firearm sales way up at Colorado’s 2nd largest gun show

Donald Trump said he differs together with the president on his gun control measures as President Barack Obama makes an aggressive drive to curb gun violence, but his tears were real.


More Americans now say Obama has done the right amount to change the nation’s gun laws, 31 percent say so, up 11 points from December.

The president blamed Indiana’s gun laws for gun violence in Chicago during a town hall meeting Thursday.

“We leave one seat empty in the First Lady’s State of the Union Guest Box for the victims of gun violence who no longer have a voice – because they need the rest of us to speak for them”, the White House announced on its official website.

Questions and answers have been edited for clarity and brevity.

He accused Obama of abusing “the runaway power of the executive branch over Congress, the courts, the people and the rule of law, the president has laid waste to the America we remember”. I’m a target shooter. My dad and I didn’t bond on a golf course, instead we bonded in the backwoods of Southwest Alabama.

Does [the Partnership] have a position on gun safety laws in this country? .

Further, tracking guns sales from gun shows and small dealers allows authorities to find and prosecute the lawbreakers if any of those guns is then used in a crime.

I don’t believe that our police officers should be outarmed, as in the Richard Poplawski case. In reality, these actions would have little to no impact on reducing violence, but they would infringe on our Second Amendment right to bear arms. He’s the one that goes to these communities after [a] tragedy and listens carefully day after day, ponders and considers and debates the different opinions on this topic.

The strong reactions the president’s announcement provoked on both sides reflect how highly contested the issue continues to be today, he said.

Sure seems like it’s going to be really tough for a national consensus on this any time soon. This made the already-paranoid base of the Republican Party freak out even more than usual, so they began stockpiling guns to prepare for the coming Civil War that the GOP was so eager to convince them was imminent.

Just last week he held two major press conferences-including a CNN “Guns In America” special-in an attempt to build support for his anti-gun agenda. I guess his life is too precious to risk just anybody having a clear shot at him!

“I don’t think the president weighing in will help their cause”, Sen.


I didn’t hear the President mention Congressman Murphy’s bill or bipartisanship in his speech last week.

Firearms are shown for sale at the AO Sword gun store in El Cajon California