
Fireball in sky is space debris

A fireball was spotted over the night skies of the West Coast Tuesday night as hundreds of people reported the night skies lighting up after 6. Was it a bird?


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The funds raised from sales will go to two charities, Carers UK and mental health organisation Mind. A physiotherapist is one of a NHS choir climbing the charts in the battle for Christmas number one.

A mysterious light that streaked across the night sky in California and Nevada was debris from an old Russian rocket, USA defense officials said.

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Sometimes the truth isn’t stranger than fiction.

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In dry, military-speak, the USSC noted on Twitter that it had “removed the SL-4 rocket body from the USA satellite catalog” after the “decayed object” entered the atmosphere.

Dozens of people took to social media to share images and marvel at the white fireball flying through the sky.

The booster, launched Monday in Russian Federation, could be seen from Mexico to Las Vegas as it fell back to Earth.

He initially thought it was an airplane. “I was upset I couldn’t grab my real camera”, Lindstrom said.

The flash of light is not unusual in portions of the Western United States, which offer an effective stage for sky shows.


Light pollution over major metro areas might make such a flash of light hard to see. The military has yet to confirm any missile tests. Officials had warned the public before that launch to calm fears and cut down on rampart speculation. The rocket delivered into orbit the latest modification of Russian cargo spacecraft, Progress-MS-01 (first unit), with almost 2.5 tons of supplies, including food, fuel and compressed oxygen, for the expedition aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Others raised suspicion on the government’s comments regarding the sighting.

U.S. Strategic Command said the light was caused by a Russian SL-4 rocket body that reentered the atmosphere somewhere above Arizona