
Firefighters demonstrate dangers of sparklers, hope people leave fireworks to professionals

“Fireworks are unsafe, and we really would prefer the public displays of fireworks instead of doing it themselves, but if they are going to do it themselves, we want them to do it with safety in mind”, Cieslik said.


Those putting on a home fireworks display are encouraged to wear safety glasses or goggles and covered shoes, and to make sure their skin is covered in cotton clothing.

The National Fire Protection Association is reminding people of the dangers of lighting consumer fireworks during Fourth of July celebrations.

While fireworks are fun for Orozco and others they can spark a disaster in an instant.

The majority of people who are injured are male and most are in their early 20s or younger.

“There is a reason that fireworks displays and shows are regulated in the State of NY”, said FASNY President Robert McConville in the news release.

In a press release, Lorraine Carli, NFPA’s vice president of Outreach and Advocacy said nearly half (47 percent) of the fires reported on Independence Day in the USA during this period were started by fireworks, more than any other cause of fire. One of the sales associates for G’s Fireworks in Mission says injuries occur more often to those who don’t follow the instructions on the warning labels.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission said there were 11 deaths and almost 12,000 emergency room visits because of fireworks in 2015.

Many people ignore that law and set-off fireworks anyway, creating a risk of a house fire or personal injury.

“We’re safe all year round and then we teach our kids about fire safety, don’t do this, don’t do that”, Captain John Ryan with the Cape Girardeau Fire Department said.

Fireworks are illegal in the city of Los Angeles, but dozens of L.A. County cities allow certain types of fireworks.

As the Fourth of July approaches, so does the best and worst time of year for fireworks.

If you wish to see display fireworks, there are a number places that have permits to light them, which can be found on the City of Folsom’s website.

Michigan State Fire Marshal Julie Secontine says fireworks should be lit one at a time, on a driveway or paved surface at least 20 feet away from any structure.

Fireworks caused about 17,800 fires in 2011, resulting in $32 million in property loss and 40 injuries.

Even though sparklers are legal in many jurisdictions, they accounted for 26 percent of all firework injuries in 2015.

Children under the age of 15 suffered 40 percent of all injuries from fireworks in 2013.

– A responsible adult should supervise all firework activities. Most inflictions were to bystanders, rather than the activators of the fireworks themselves.

Never try to re-light fireworks that malfunction.

“Those sparklers, when they’re burning, are burning at 2,000 degrees”. Even sparklers can be unsafe in the hands of a child younger than 12.

Keep a source of water close by in case of fire or another mishap.


The Fourth of July is just around the corner, and with it comes the misuse of fireworks.

Staying safe this 4th of July                      WXYZ