
Firewatch Launches in February Next Year

The highly-anticipated indie darling that is Firewatch finally has a release date. Developed by Campo Santo, the debut of this wilderness game will be released for Linux, Windows, Mac, and PS4.


The development team has promised that we will see more of the game leading up to its release, along with hands-on impressions from the press.

Now, nearly two years later, we’re tweaking, tuning, bug fixing and polishing our first game.

Campo Santo will reveal more about the game in the lead-up to launch, as well as offering a few sort of early access opportunities – though there are no details about what form that will take at this stage.

Firewatch begins in 1989 in Wyoming out in the wilderness, with the character of Henry, a fire lookout who becomes embroiled in a mystery of odd events. Firewatch will be hitting the PC, Mac, Linux and the PS4 on February 9, 2016.

The game’s blurb reads: “Perched high atop a mountain, it’s your job to look for smoke and keep the wilderness safe”. An especially hot, dry summer has everyone on edge.

Your supervisor, named Delilah, is available to you at all times over a small, handheld radio.


The news was first announced on Camp Santo’s website and from now until the release date, all efforts are being put in to the finishing touches.

Firewatch Coming To Playstation 4 In February